
Figure 1. 2005 Country progress towards
2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS global targets
(low- and middle-income countries)

2005 Country progress towards 2001 Declaration of Commitment
on HIV/AIDS global targets (low- and middle-income countries)
Total annual expenditure
US$ 8 297 000 000
Estimated range: US$ 7.5 billion–US$ 8.5 billion
US$ 7.0–US$ 10.0 billion

- Global target achieved
Percentage of youth aged 15–24 who correctly identify ways of preventing HIV transmission and who reject major misconceptions about HIV transmission:
MALE: 33% (Country range: 7%–50% coverage), (n=16)
FEMALE: 20% (Country range: 8%–44% coverage), (n=17)
90% coverage

- No country achieved this
Percentage of HIV–positive pregnant women receiving antiretroviral prophylaxis
9% (Country range: 1%–59% coverage), (n=41) 80% coverage

- No country achieved this
Percentage of people with advanced HIV infection receiving antiretroviral therapy
20% (Country range: 1%–100% coverage), (n=116)
1 300 000 people on treatment
50% coverage

- 21 countries achieved this 3 million people on treatment
- Global target not achieved
Percentage of young males and females, aged 15–24, who are HIV infected
MALES: 1.4% (Measure of uncertainty: 1.1%–1.8%), (n=54)
FEMALES: 3.8% (Measure of uncertainty: 3.0%–4.7%), (n=54)

No comparable global data on this age cohort is available from 2001.Progress towards target can only be measured in individual countries.
25% reduction in most affected countries

- 6 of the most affected countries achieved this
Estimated percentage of infants born to HIV-infected mothers who are infected in 2005
26% of infants born to HIV-infected mothers were also infected (n=33 most affected countries)

In 2001, approximately 30% of infants were infected. There has beenan estimated 10% reduction in HIV transmission between 2001 and 2005.

- 11 of the most affectedcountries achieved this

Figure 1 extracted from 2006 Report on the global AIDS epidemic (UNAIDS, 2006), chapter 3.80

Source: UNAIDS  Report on the global AIDS epidemic: Executive summary, (2006), p.5

Related publication:
AIDS homeAIDS status & challenges of the epidemic
Other Figures & Tables on this publication:

Figure 1. 2005 Country progress towards 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS global targets (low- and middle-income countries)

Figure 2. Estimated number of people living with HIV, and adult HIV prevalence, [share of the adult population with HIV] globally and in sub–Saharan Africa, 1985–20051

Figure 3. Number of people on antiretroviral therapy in low- and middle-income countries, 2002–2005

Figure 4. People in sub-Saharan Africa on antiretroviral treatment as percentage of those in need, 2002–2005

Figure 5. Estimated total annual resources available for AIDS, 1996–2005

Figure 6. Percentage of distribution of deaths by age in southern Africa, 1985–1990 and 2000–2005

Figure 2.4. A global view of HIV infection


Latest figures from UNAIDS/WHO

2007 UNAIDS estimates