
Level of progress of Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Level of progress of Aichi Biodiversity Targets
The coloured segments of the bar illustrate the proportion of Parties reporting progress in a given category. Blue indicates that the target been exceeded, green indicates the target is on track, yellow indicates that progress has been made towards the target but that it has not been met, red indicates no significant change in the target, and purple indicates that the trends are moving away from reaching the target. This is the same colour code that is used in the assessment of the segments of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. The intensity of the colour indicates the degree of alignment of the national targets to the Aichi Targets for each reported level of progress. By way of illustration, if all Parties were on track to exceed their national targets and if all national targets exceed the scope and level of ambition of the Aichi Target the entire bar would be dark blue. Conversely, if all Parties were moving away from reaching their national targets and if none of the national targets were clearly linked to the Aichi Target the entire bar would be pale purple.

Source: CBD  Global Biodiversity Outlook 5, p.35

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GBO 5 homePart 2: Results of past & present action plans, objectives, actions and means required at the horizon 2030
Other Figures & Tables on this publication:

Figure 22.4. Timing of projected recovery of marine fishery stocks under alternative scenarios

Figure 15.1. Cumulative reported marine restoration projects between 2000 and 2020

Figure 0.1. The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020

Level of progress of Aichi Biodiversity Targets

A portofolio of actions to reduce loss and restore biodiversity