
Figure 34: Imports and exports of fish and fishery products for different regions, indicating net deficits or surplus

Imports and exports of fish and fishery products for different regions, indicating net deficits or surplus

Source: FAO FisheriesThe State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2008 
PART 1: World review of fisheries and aquaculture, p. 53

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Other Figures & Tables on this publication:

Table 1: World fisheries and aquaculture production and utilization

Table 2: World fisheries and aquaculture production and utilization, excluding China

Table 3: Inland capture fishery production by economic class

Table 4: Top ten aquaculture producers of food fish supply: quantity and growth

Table 5: World fishers and fish farmers by continent

Table 6: Number of fishers and fish farmers in selected countries [in fishing (FI) and aquaculture (AQ) compared to the year 2000 (index)]

Table 7: Fishery production per fisher and per fish farmer in 2006

Table 8: Top ten exporters and importers of fish and fishery products

Table 9: Total and per capita food fish supply by continent and economic grouping in 2005

Figure 1: World capture and aquaculture production

Figure 2: World fish utilization and supply, excluding China

Figure 3: World capture fisheries production

Figure 4: Marine and inland capture fisheries: top ten producer countries in 2006

Figure 5: Capture fisheries production: principal marine fishing areas in 2006

Figure 6: Marine capture fisheries production: top ten species in 2006

Figure 7: Inland capture fisheries by continent in 2006

Figure 8: Inland capture fisheries: top ten producer countries in 2006

Figure 9: Inland capture fisheries: major species groups in 2006

Figure 10: Aquaculture production by region in 2006

Figure 11: World aquaculture production: change in growth by region since 1970

Figure 12: World aquaculture production: major species groups in 2006

Figure 13: Trends in world aquaculture production: average annual growth rate for major species groups 1970-2006

Figure 14: Trends in world aquaculture production: major species groups

Figure 15: Contribution of aquaculture to global production: major species groups

Figure 16: Distribution of fishing vessels by region in 2006

Figure 17: Size distribution of mechanized fishing vessels

Figure 18: Relative changes in numbers and GT of industrialized fishing vessels and fish carriers > 100 GT

Figure 19: Changes in number of newly built vessels

Figure 20 A: Capture fisheries production in marine areas (part 1)

Figure 20 B: Capture fisheries production in marine areas (part 2)

Figure 21: Global trends in the state of the world marine stocks since 1974

Figure 22: Total annual catches in Lake Victoria 1965-2007 grouped into five main groups

Figure 23: Landings from lakes in Kyrgyzstan 1993-2006

Figure 24: Landings from Lake Constance 1910-2006

Figure 25: Landings from commercial fisheries in the Brazilian Amazon 1996-2006

Figure 26: Exploitation level of species in the commercial fisheries in the Bazilian Amazon based on landing data 1996-2006

Figure 27: Landings from the dai fisheries of Tonle Sap by species groups 1995/96 – 2007/08

Figure 28: Utilization of world fisheries production (breakdown by quantity), 1962-2006

Figure 29: Utilization of world fisheries production (breakdown by quantity), 2006

Figure 30: World fisheries production and quantities destined for export

Figure 31: World fisheries exports by major commodity groups

Figure 32: Net exports of selected agricultural commodities by developing countries

Figure 33: Trade flows by continent (total imports in US$ millions, c.i.f.; averages for 2004-06)

Figure 33 B: Trade flows by continent (total imports in US$ millions, c.i.f.; averages for 2004-06)

Figure 34: Imports and exports of fish and fishery products for different regions, indicating net deficits or surplus

Figure 35: Shrimp prices in Japan

Figure 36: Groundfish prices in the United States of America

Figure 37: Skipjack tuna prices in Africa and Thailand

Figure 38: Octopus prices in Japan

Figure 39: Fishmeal and soybean meal prices in Germany and the Netherlands

Figure 40: Fish oil and soybean oil prices in the Netherlands

Figure 41: Fish as food: per capita supply (average 2003-2005)

Figure 42: Contribution of fish to animal protein supply (average 2003-2005)

Figure 43: Total protein supply by continent and major food group (2003-05 average)

Figure 44: Relative contribution of aquaculture and capture fisheries to food fish consumption

World catches of oceanic species occurring principally in high seas areas

State of the world marine fish stocks