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Alcohol Links

  1. Factual links

    Some of the websites providing factual information on Alcohol:

    • 1.1 Institutions addressing alcohol
    • 1.2 Q&As on alcohol
    • 1.3 Educational sites on alcohol
  2. Other Views
    • 2.1 Sites suggesting that alcohol poses more risks
    • 2.2 Sites suggesting that alcohol poses less risks

1. Factual links

1.1 Institutions addressing alcohol
  • The US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) of the National Institute on Health provides wide range of information on alcohol at: 
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) inks to related sites on alcohol at: 
    In addition, it has published a “Global status report: alcohol policy” (2004), which seeks to evaluate and disseminate knowledge of strategies and policies that are effective in reducing the rates of alcohol problems, available at: 
    Finally, WHO maintains a "Global Alcohol Database", which aims at providing a standardized reference source of information for global epidemiological surveillance of alcohol use and related problems: 
  • The Public Health Thematic Portal of the European Commission proposes to download a report on "Alcohol in Europe" at: 
  • The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) provides country-by-country statistics on alcohol consumption at: 
  • The Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation (ABMRF) provides news about – and links to – alcohol, health, and research information at: 
  • The International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA) gives figures on alcohol and other dependencies at: 
1.2 Q&As on alcohol
1.3 Educational sites on alcohol

2. Other Views

Links in this section have been selected as examples of other views on Alcohol. This list of links is only a sample and it is not suggested that it is complete nor that it is fully representative of all the existing views. GreenFacts asbl takes no position concerning the views expressed in these linked documents.

2.1 Sites suggesting that alcohol poses more risks
2.2 Sites suggesting that alcohol poses less risks
  • ICAP is an alcohol policy think tank involving governments, the alcohol industry, and public health: 

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