Home » Biodiversity (CBD) » Level 2 » Question 8

Biodiversity A Global Outlook

8. Are other objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity being met?

  • 8.1 Are indigenous languages and knowledge protected?
  • 8.2 Are the benefits of the use of genetic resources shared fairly and equitably?
  • 8.3 Have sufficient financial and technical resources been mobilized?

8.1 Are indigenous languages and knowledge protected?

The fifth focal area covers the traditional knowledge and management practices of indigenous people and local communities are relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. This knowledge is often transmitted using indigenous languages. An analysis carried out by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and covering some 250 indigenous languages, reveals that, in the period between 1980 and 2003, the number of speakers of 149 indigenous languages had increased while 104 languages had lost speakers. Because the majority of these indigenous languages are only spoken by a small number of people there is great concern over their continuing survival. More...

8.2 Are the benefits of the use of genetic resources shared fairly and equitably?

The fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources is the sixth focal area and one of three objectives of the Convention. This covers, among other things, information on the use of genetic resources in developing medicines, cosmetics, industrial products and new crops. Returning a share of the economic benefits from marketing such products would provide incentives to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity. Although some countries have implemented laws to control access to genetic resources, no reliable global central depositary of information on national access and benefit-sharing measures has yet been established. More...

8.3 Have sufficient financial and technical resources been mobilized?

Implementation of the Convention requires mobilizing financial and technical resources, and this is covered by the seventh and last focal area. The signing Parties to the Convention have agreed that developing countries require particular support to enable them to carry out measures required to conserve biodiversity and reach the 2010 target, in particular least developed countries, small island developing states, and countries with economies in transition. It is estimated from the available data that the total funds set aside as aid to developing countries for biodiversity had declined since 1998 from about US$ 1 billion per year, to about US$ 750 million. More...

Figure 2.20 Aid activities targeting CBD objectives from 16 developed countries

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